2018 Huntley Newsletter 16

Hello Fellow Members.

Last week you members selected a new logo by electronic vote!

The decision was made by the 176 members that voted, representing 48% of our membership: 135 voted for the modern logo, while 41 voted for the traditional logo.

Over the next few weeks our new logo will be posted on electronic media like the website, our Facebook page, and this newsletter.  Printed materials with the old logo will be gradually replaced as we use up existing inventories. 

Newly branded clothing will be coming in a few weeks, and new pins will be made over the next few months.

The decision to change our logo happened back in the summer, because the old logo was not reproducing well, giving us an inconsistent look.  Reproduction of the old logo was complicated because there were seven different elements (the deer head, our name, our location, corn brooms, flowers, a belt and three dots) jammed into a small space.  Resizing often resulted in one or more of those elements being misrepresented. 

The new logo has four different elements, which is much easier to reproduce.  This new brand will last many years into the future.

There was some strong feedback about changing the logo; particularly the replacement of the corn brooms with a modern silhouette. Many members see these brooms as a tradition of the game. While they have been a part of curling’s history, Huntley’s ice has not seen a corn broom in more than 20 years.  Curling’s traditions are preserved in the game’s sportsmanship and etiquette – handshakes, socializing after games, friendliness, etc. 

Our new logo reflects the evolution of this fantastic sport, while preserving the traditions and history of Huntley Curling. 
