2018 Huntley Newsletter 18

Hi folks, I am trialing a new format for newsletters: they will have a “BLUF (bottom line up front) section at the start with a very concise and short version of the content, followed by “The Juicy Details” section, let me know what you think

BLUFF The Wine and Chocolate tasting at HCC on 1 Dec, hosted by fellow curler Robert White, still has a few spots open, so we are reopening registration until this Friday, 23 Nov.

The Juicy Details


Huntley Curling Wine and Chocolate Tasting, Dec 1: don’t miss out

Learn to taste wine like a pro! Learn all about the ‘bean-to-bar’ process that is redefining chocolate making in the world today!

Sommelier Robert White (one of us HCC curlers!) and chocolatier Joanne Mutter are putting the final touches on the Wine and Chocolate Pairing being held at Huntley Curling Club on Saturday, December 1, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.

Robert and Joanne having being guiding such tastings for three years in Kanata and are now going on the road to the curling club!

We can now provide some details on the fun and educational night that awaits you. Join us a few minutes early to enjoy a glass of sparkling wine until all guests have arrived. Then we will go through a tasting of the wine, which will be paired with a delicious champagne truffle.

Following this we will taste four red wines, from four different countries, from the LCBO Vintages Portfolio. These will be paired to four bean-to-bar dark chocolates from four different chocolate makers. The cacao beans are from four different countries.

In brief, bean-to-bar chocolate is a process by which small artisnal chocolate makers purchase bags of cacao beans from a farmer or a cooperative and then transform the beans into rich dark chocolate that expresses the “terroir” of the soil in which they were grown. Much the same way as grapes express flavours from the soil in which they were grown. This will be discussed in more detail through the evening.

Each pairing will evaluate the wine, followed by the chocolate and then in combination. This will allow you to compare the flavours of the wine and the flavours of the chocolate in a more structured way. Then you can let Joanne and Robert know what you think.  Remember, there are no wrong answers. The final pairing will present a wine from the 1999 vintage that Robert is quite excited about!

Register on line under the Events tab in the Membership section, or click here: https://registration.huntleycurling.ca/events or sign up using the signup sheet in the Club.

We hope to see you there. We believe this will be an evening that you will remember for some time!