2018 Huntley Newsletter 19

Changes to New Years Event

BLUF Thanks to member feedback, the New Years event has been modified: we have removed the Bonspiel and Dinner, and have now planned a party from 8pm to whenever, with hors d’oeuvres, midnight toast, dancing, and fun.  $30 per person. Signup online at: https://registration.huntleycurling.ca/events

The Juicy Details: what could be juicier than that?  We will have a blast, and bring in 2019 in the warm surroundings of our familiar club, with the companionship of our friends.  Be there!  (did is say that we have the best toilets around…except maybe those fancy urinals in the Ridge Rock Brew pub??).

We are looking for folks to help out with some of the work to set this all up, so please contact our vol committee as indicated below if you think you might be able to help out.