CurlON Membership Cards available

Hello all, here are some words from Lydia, our rep to CurlON:

CurlON (previously known as the Ontario Curling Association) Update for HCC Members

The Huntley Curling Club has been a member of CurlON for many years, which allows HCC teams to participate in competitive events leading to Provincial, National and even World Championships.  Over the past few of years, CurlON has been transforming itself from its primary focus of running competitive events to becoming more of a service-based organization providing assistance and value directly to the member curling clubs. HCC in turn, has and continues to benefit from some of these new services and programs, such as Business of Curling seminars and webinars which Board Members have participated in, Adult Learn-to-Curl Train the Trainer program and bringing some curling clinics to the club.

This year CurlON has launched a new program where they would like to provide value directly to members of curling clubs that are members of CurlON.  They would like to communicate directly with you to provide you with:  updates on Ontario curling activities and special offers/discounts/coupons available through vendors working with CurlON.  To activate your CurlON membership, CurlON has provided the HCC with CurlON membership cards, which are available through our Club Manager, Peter Smith.  You can see and then complete the registration process at  The HCC Board is leaving it up to HCC members to choose to register or not.