2018 Huntley Newsletter 26

Hello again sportsfans!  This is a short blurb to let you know about an excellent opportunity to add a bit more curling to your schedule, between now and the end of the season.  Our Learn 2 Curl program has been a huge success this year, and these new curlers are now in their own league, each Saturday from 6:30 to 8:30.  They are looking for a few more dedicated curlers to round out the league.  What an excellent chance to have some fun and to make these new members feel welcome to our club.

They kick off this Sat, and run for the next 7 weeks.

If you are interested, please contact the convenor – Glenn Lawerence 
Contact email glennalden@yahoo.ca   (18 Jan: this is corrected from the original send which had the incorrect address)

There is no additional cost, but they are looking for committed curlers to show up.