2018 Huntley Newsletter 30

Hello again, sorry about the Tsunami of newsletters, but hey, lots of stuff is cooking at HCC!

BLUF I have compiled a bunch of items, and have tried to put the details on the website and 
simply put links here.  Please look at each one to see if it has any interest to you.  Read to 
the bottom to avoid missing something.

1. Volunteers for the Junior Bonspiel: Wow, you guys are great!  We had tons of offers from
you members, and the event will be a go.  Thanks all, and particularly those who have already
done more than the minimum number, who stuck their hands up to help anyway.

2. Changes to League and Playoff Rules: Our match director, Jim, in concert with your 
league convenors, have made some tweaks to our rules.  They were aimed at addressing
your concerns from last year’s playoffs.  They address the issue with playoff games in the leagues
going way overtime, and some issues with the choice of spares.  Please see the revised rules.

3. New VPres for HCC: with Barry’s retirement from the Board (thanks for all the hard work)
we had a few big boots to fill, and have selected Dan Zanetti to take on the additional 
responsibilities as our VP…Congratulations!!

4. HCC AGM scheduled for May 14 at 1900: yup, the end of the year beckons.  Where did 
it all go?? (okay, some of you are out shovelling again and can’t wait…)  Please mark this 
on your calendar

5. Website Members Area Access: Some folks are still having some challenges getting into our Members only area of the website.  This area contains the stuff that has personal contact info in it, and so must be protected, such as our member phone book and the draws/team lists/spares lists.  You need to have, or set up, a username and password.  I have done this for every member, and you should have received a system email with your info on it, way back in August, or maybe even years ago if you are a long time member.  Don’t have this info?  DO NOT PANIC!  I have omnipotent powers, and if you simply tell me what userid and password you would like, I CAN MAKE IT SO.  (wish this power extended to predicting stock market, etc.)

Thanks,  Dwight