2018 Huntley Newsletter 43

Okay, our registration system is back up: we had an issue with our payment processor service, despite all of our preparatory work, and had to resolve this to allow for payments to be processed.  Sorry for all the confusion. 

A frequently asked question is “how do I declare or enter a team”.  The answer is quite simple, as is traditional in curling, a team is named after the skip.  So we have Team Homan, not Team Screaming Eagles.  In our case, when you register for a league on our site, if you select the position “skip” you automatically have entered or declared a team.  When your teammates register, as long as they don’t select “skip” as their position, they will see a small window appear asking them to select their skip (ie their team) and your name will be on the list to select.  If they are registering before their skip, then they won’t see their skips name on the list, and will select “not shown” or whatever words it shows to that effect.  This will result in another data entry window asking them to enter their skips name.  By doing this, they have “declared” the team, and their teammates will see the skip’s name on the list when they register.