2018 Huntley Newsletter 45

Last Rock Semi-Finalists tonight

Hello all.  Well our closeout bonspiel is a barn burner!  Our club has been full every night this week.  Some superb curling as we all peak in skills for the very end.   The round robin portion is now complete, and tonight is the semi-finals…which matters because you can now toss those calcutta slips for the teams you picked that are now scratched…AND you have from 7 to 8pm tonight to place your money and pick the overall winner of the bonspiel with more accuracy!!  And if you want to see motivated curlers, each of the 4 games tonight is a battle for cash!  The winning team on each sheet will split 1250$ in credits towards their registration.

Congratulations to the teams listed below that have advanced to the playoffs. If your team did not make it, you can still come out and cheer on your favorite team, drink some $2 beer and perhaps even place a bet on some of the final 8 teams.

Remember, the first playoff game starts at 8:00PM tomorrow night. Calcutta betting starts at 7:00PM.

Here’s the playoff lineup:

  • Team Lowe (A 1st place) vs Team Lackner (C 2nd place)
  • Team Cotten (C 1st place) vs Team Cormier (A 2nd place)
  • Team Zanetti (B 1st place) vs Team Sinclair (D 2nd place)
  • Team DeVitt (D 1st place) vs Team Gravelle (B 2nd place)