President’s Newsletter to all Members: May 4, 2020.

« Change is Imminent at HCC. «

I’m asking that each member please read this email carefully so they are up to date and informed of what is happening at their curling club. There is lots to think about and many exciting things happening as we head into our 40th anniversary.

To all Huntley Curling Club (HCC) members;

Change is imminent at HCC. The world has changed due to the Coronavirus COVID-19. Everyone has been effected in one way or another, and HCC members are no different. I’m proud that our Board of Directors (BoD) reacted quickly and decisively in mid March by closing our doors early. It was the right decision as the safety of our members is paramount.

Many members may be wondering what all is going on and what will happen in the future. Let me be the first to tell you that the world will go on, and I’m confident in saying that we will be curling at HCC this upcoming season. It’ll take more than a pandemic to stop our members.

The COVID-19 situation is evolving and the BoD at HCC has constantly been moving with it. We have not stopped and, in retrospect, have actually been working harder than ever. The board has changed gears to move from a response situation to a recovery situation, and we are expecting to open our doors as of Oct. 12th, 2020.

Revenue’s have plummeted but we are fully expecting to have a balanced budget and be in a no loss situation. That’s amazing news considering all that has happened. This is due, in large part, to the proactive approach the BoD made by reducing our major expenses. Many of our planned renovations, of course, have been put on hold and will be rescheduled to begin in late spring 2021. Naturally, Building Director Shawn Lynch is disappointed as he’s put a great deal of time, thought and energy into these planned projects, but he fully understands the undermining circumstance the club has been put under. Shawn still plans on moving forward with many of his smaller projects throughout the summer and will be reaching out to members for assistance in the near future. Keep an eye on the website. ** Please don’t worry, isolation will be considered.

Important notes;

a) The HCC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is presently scheduled for June 2nd, 2020 and the BoD is moving forward with that pending date. A final decision will be made by May 24th and all members will be informed at that time of any change. We are encouraging all members to get involved and participate. Get informed and know what’s happening as it’s your club.

b)   HCC’s Golf Tournament is presently set for Saturday June 27th, 2020 at Irish Hills. I’ve been in contact with organizing chair Murray Pearson and a final decision on it’s outcome will be made by June 1st, 2020. We’re moving forward with the notion that it will be on, so stay tuned.

c) HCC’s membership registration will open on June 1st, 2020.
The final deadline for returning team preference date will be July 31st.
Match Director Jim Collings has extended the date to compensate for COVID-19 but is strongly encouraging members not to wait until the last minute. If anyone has an issue with payment terms, please feel free to contact both Jim directly at as well as Barry Brown who can be c/c’d ** Don’t delay in registering !!!

d) In addition, a new communication format has been added to our website to assist any member looking for a team or a team in need of a player to fill their roster. This new approach fulfills a need and avenue for members to contact each other as communication is key. This concept, in particular, will assist new members in our club by providing them an avenue to find a spot to play. * Everyone is welcome at HCC !!

e) I’m pleased to announce that HCC will again be part of both CurlON and the OVCA for the 2020-21 curling season. In addition, HCC has agreed to host an LCA event next year;  a date has yet to be confirmed but it will be sometime late February 2021.  This announcement is exciting news as it provides our lady members an opportunity to participate in a major event right at our own club. I’m encouraging all female members to keep your eyes and ears open, register a team early and to take part. 

f) Our L2C program is second to none in the region and has played a monumental role by encouraging new people of our community to join and get started in the sport of curling. HCC will again be actively promoting and soliciting new people to join up this year.  Our intention is to run two sessions on Saturday afternoons beginning again this fall. This 10-week program teaches the basic skills, ethics and strategy each needs to play the game we’ve all come to love. I’m asking for help from all HCC members. This initiative is an excellent way to encourage other family members, co-workers, neighbours and/or friends to join up and become a part of our growing community at HCC.  If membership grows at HCC, so does our club. This greatly helps to develop the long term financial sustainability of our organization.

g) HCC is actively looking for a new Youth co-ordinator starting immediately. Laurie Cotten has done a masterful job in revitalizing our program over the last two years by setting our youth on a path to success. We’re starting to see the fruits of her labour with many of our youth teams. HCC wants this to continue and Laurie would be willing to assist with some minor support. If you, or anyone you know, might be interested, please let match director Jim Collings know immediately

h) HCC has agreed to host a CurlON Technical and strategy skills course sometime this year. This will be a one day event that will be open to everyone. The cost to each HCC member will be minimal and we are encouraging all members, regardless of their age or skill level, to get involved.
* Keep your eye’s open.

i) The province of Ontario has now made it mandatory that anyone selling or preparing food for sale must have a person on site who is a certified food handler. This is to meet new regulations for Health/safety/kitchen criteria for Ontario.  To date, we only have one person that is trained & certified (Peter Smith).  HCC is actively looking for another 6-8 people to gain certification as well. This course can be done on line right from your home computer and takes about 16hrs to complete. HCC will reimburse your registration fees upon successful completion of the course.  Your investment in time can, and will, be allocated to your volunteer hours.  ** If you’re interested, please reach out to Peter Smith at

j) I’m pleased to announce that Aaron Robinson has stepped forward to take on the position of Bar Director.
Ruth Dagenais has to step down from the board for the time being because of professional reasons. Ruth has been a tremendous asset and made major contributions to HCC while on the board and will be sorely missed. 
Barry Brown, Director at Large, has been extremely helpful in fulfilling our obligation with membership registration. 
The BoD at HCC is in need of help and actively looking for positive minded persons to join the leadership team. Presently, we have a strong group of individuals, but we are looking for about 4-5 more members to step forward.
Director vacancies to fill are: Secretary, Membership, Communications, Volunteers and Kitchen.
If you’re interested and/or require more information, please contact Dan Zanetti

k) President’s Challenge 2020/21
The HCC claimed title to the inaugural President’s Challenge earlier this year. It was a tremendous event, one in which anyone who participated will attest too. I wanted to thank all club members who represented HCC as it honestly was a proud moment for our club and one which helped to create camaraderie and team spirit within our organization. The HCC will be hosting this event again in late March 2021. Due to overwhelming interest, this event will be expanding to four clubs. (HCC, Richmond, Almonte & Armprior). Start thinking about putting a team together and compete to represent HCC next year. You won’t be disappointed !!

l) HCC celebrates 40th anniversary.
Yes, it’s hard to believe it’s been 40 years ! Many things have happened during that time since the first rock was thrown by Locksley Trenholm.  The stories and memories are endless. We are going to try and bring everyone together for a weekend celebration hopefully in the spring of 2020. A final date has yet to be confirmed. Our goal will be to try and bring the past and present together. It’s much easier to look at the future by understanding your past. So, start spreading the word now, then go into the old scrap book and begin pulling out the pictures and/or memorabilia.

Blake Sinclair
HCC – President