Introducing the Stay-in-Touch Membership

You’ve made the tough decision not to curl this year, but expect to be back, and we want you to come back.

So we hope that you will agree to…


We have created a new membership for those Huntley Members who have decided to pause their membership for the 2020/21 season. It’s called the Stay-in-Touch Membership and it helps maintain your league status, keeps you connected through email, helps the Club financially and lets you vote at the AGM.

A Stay-in-Touch Membership gives you three important privileges:

  1. A carryover of your 2019/2020 league status to be used in holding member preference. While not a guarantee of a league or team placement it improves your priority ahead of new members wishing to join competitive leagues next season.  This preference expires on the Membership Preference date for the 2021/22 season.
  2. Entitles you to continue club emails through this season (so you hear first hand what we are up to)
  3. Secures you a vote at the AGM

In exchange for the above three privileges we are asking for $100, half of which will help to cover this season’s operating expenses and the other 50% will contribute to the Club’s capital fund.

Multiple Stay-in-Touch Memberships can be purchased if you wish to donate more to HCC but only 1 vote per named entry/address is valid. 

You can purchase your Stay in Touch Membership(s) with your credit card by clicking the link below.

1 thought on “Introducing the Stay-in-Touch Membership”

  1. Hello,
    Thank you for all of your hard work as you prudently prioritize the memberships health and safety.
    I want to contribute the $100. to help keep the club running.
    When I purchase my Stay-In-Touch Membership for $100, will that automatically entitle me to the full reimbursement of the curling fees I paid last spring for the 2020-2021 season?

    Can you clarify this?

    With thanks!

    Mary McTavish

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