Can you identify this man?

 !! Call Crime Stoppers !!……or is this just one of our many dedicated volunteers, ha ha. There had been a police bulletin put out earlier tonight for a man in Carp, who was seen posting adverting signs all over the region for
The Huntley Curling Club.   It is believed he goes by the street name “Big Mack”
  If any HCC member has seen or recognizes the person this picture, they are urged to call “ our HCC President“ immediately.
Your name will remain anonymous and a small cash reward will be provided should your tip lead to an arrest. This person is not to be approached, except at the bar on curling nights, and considered harmless.  
He was last seen around 9:00pm Wed leaving the new “ Ridge Rock Brewing Club in Carp.

Blake Sinclair
HCC – President

PS: thanks to all that volunteer their precious time to making our curling club so successful