2018 Huntley Newsletter 7

Hello curlers…we are nearly there!!  Here are a few items of news for you.

Practice Ice time

The club will be closed at the conclusion of the Carp Fair from Monday Sept. 24th up to and including Saturday Oct. 6th 2018 while Dwayne Lowe and the HCC ice team prepare themselves for the start of the 2018/19 season.

Dwayne Lowe has informed us that the ice will be available for practice on Sunday, Oct. 7th.  Members will not be able to reserve ice time but ice will be available on a first come/first serve basis between 9 a.m. and noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. It will be closed from noon until 1 p.m. for ice maintenance.  Maximum practice time will be one hour.  Feel free to take advantage of this opportunity but please be considerate of your fellow members.

Regular curling will commence on Monday, Oct. 8th with the RidgeRock League.  Convenors will contact teams with draw information shortly.

News Blog If you have not been checking our website from time to time, you have missed out on some interesting news posted in our News Events area at: http://old.huntleycurling.ca/news/

Wine and Cheese This was our best wine and cheese ever….as verified by the official HCC social event assessment committee….see the news item for photos.

5 Rock Rule  Have a look at the curling rules adopted by HCC for this season…they are in the members area under league information.  Log in and have a look.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with the family.

Blake Sinclair
HCC – President