2018 Huntley Newsletter 9

To all Huntley Curling Club members.

1.  The ice is ready !!!
There’s only 1 question to ask yourself: “Are you ready to rock?”
The Huntley Curling Club opens it’s doors on Monday evening Oct. 8th at 6:00pm
for the 2018/19 season.

Please note the club will be open tomorrow, Sun 7 Oct, for members practice time.
1st session 9:00 – noon.
2nd session 1:00 – 4:00pm
No reservations and it will be 1st come, 1st served.
To provide and everyone an opportunity we are asking that each group or individual only stay for 1hr.
Looking forward to seeing everyone,  Blake

2.  Update from the Volunteer Committee:

The Volunteer Committee (Joan Crossman, Micheline Harvey, Katharine Robertson-Palmer) is impressed with the number of members who have already done part or all of the required 6 hours of service. The Committee would like to remind all members that once you have completed some hours, please record your hours in the Volunteer Hours Log Book kept at the bar. This will ensure that you are credited for the hours you work. Please do not assume that we know you have done the work or that the event coordinator has recorded your hours. There are so many tasks and jobs to be done that we can’t begin to keep track of it all without your help in logging your own hours. 
The committee will update the data approximately once a month. Once you have completed your six hours, you will no longer receive emails requesting your help for volunteering. Of course, if there is a special event that you have always helped out with, by all means offer your services but the Volunteer Committee wants to ensure that all members still waiting to complete hours have an opportunity to do so. 
The Volunteer Committee can be reached at hcc.volunteers2017@gmail.com ; Our email address is also listed on the HCC website in the volunteer section in the members area 

Your volunteer Committee

3.  Website info: well, the site has a ton of new info for you! 
–   If you are considering bonspiels in the region, there are several listed in the news/events section
  –  Please have a look at our sponsors, and consider them when looking for service or support
  –  The majority of our leagues have now gotten their league schedules for Draw 1 , as well as team members/spares lists etc. all posted in the members area.  Log in and have a look.  If you have any issues, then let me know by clicking the links for help or reset.  
  –  The HCC rules for curling, as approved by your board of directors, is also posted in the members area
  –  The current member directory with phone numbers and emails for our members is also in the members area