Have your say – Help pick a new Club Logo

Our curling club logo has served us well for several years.  However, because it does not transfer well between print and electronic media the current logo needs to be retired.  In this age of internet, email, and other electronic communications we need a more flexible design that is the same regardless of the logo size and whether it’s on print or electronic media.

Your Board of Directors has decided to move forward with a new logo that has a flexible design and will look the same on both electronic and print media. Over the summer the board reviewed different options and has narrowed it down to two choices. 

Soon it will be your turn to help with the choice!

You will get to vote between 22 and 28 Oct for your choice of one of the two proposed logos you want to represent your club for the next several years.   You will be getting a newsletter with a link to the voting site.  Go to that link and pick the logo you think best represents our club. The version with the most votes will be our logo!

About your New Logo Choices

Below is the ‘Traditional’ version; it keeps many elements of our old logo such as the belt buckle, while updating to modern day brooms.

Proposed Traditional HCC Logo

Below is the ‘Modern’ version; the belt buckle is replaced with a circle and all the print is moved inside the circle.

Proposed Modern HCC Logo

Story behind the Deer Head on our Logo:  Did you ever notice when you enter the ice area there’s a giant deer head on the wall? Back in the late 1970s, that deer was shot by one of Huntley Curling Club’s founding members Fern Boyd.  She donated the deer head to the club!  Fern was instrumental in getting our club started and then did a lot to make the club successful! 

Ask a member who has been around the club for a while and they will probably have a good Fern story.  Lately, some members know her as the kind lady who pours you a scotch from her broom handle!