2018 Huntley Newsletter 12

Hello again!  Well by now you have played your first few games, your shoulders ache from sweeping, but you have this immense sense of satisfaction that your skills did not fade over the summer, as you place each shot exactly where the skip calls……okay, some self deception is required to actually believe that last part.  This newsletter focusses on the upcoming events at our club, and encourages you to register, but first, here are a couple of smaller items you may find of interest:

HCC Makes the News!!  For those of you connected to the Carp village, you should have a glance at the article in the recent edition of the Carp Villager that Stephanie wrote, concerning our club: https://www.villageofcarp.ca/CarpVillager/TheCarpVillager_Issue5_Sep_2018.pdf

Contact info for Spares, Team members, and for the HCC Members Directory These documents have all been posted for a while now in the member’s area of our website.  You have to sign in to see them, due to security/privacy concerns.  It is kinda important that the info be correct, as folks will use this to call for spares etc.  If you want to spare for certain leagues, please look at their spare list on the website and ensure you are shown and have correct contact info.  Otherwise, I encourage you to look at the team listing info for your leagues and for your personal contact info that is in the member’s directory, to make sure it is correct.  I will be republishing and correcting all of these documents in the next week or so and would like to make all the corrections at once.  In that I have to open each of the documents, correct it, format it, save it, upload it, link it, verify it, blah blah blah, I don’t really want to have to do corrections over and over.  You can send me corrections at communications@huntleycurling.ca, or by replying to this newsletter.

HCC moves to a new Logo: yep, we are making a change.  You will get a dedicated newsletter on this on Monday 22 Oct, complete with a link to allow you to vote, but for the curious, have a look at the news item on our website at:  HCC selects a new logo

Okay, enough teasers, here is the main event:


Now is the time to have a look at all the events that the club is offering this year, outside the regularly scheduled league play.  I gave you a teaser of what was to come, in Newsletter 10 back in Sep, but now is the time to get serious!  All of the following are available for you to register for, at https://registration.huntleycurling.ca/events or by clicking the menu item “sign up for events” on our website under “member profile”.  DO NOT PANIC, but some events are already filled up….so REMAIN CALM AND REGISTER ON!!  The list of all our offerings follows below.


Event: Beginner Curling Clinic

   Date:  November 3rd, 2018 – 1:00p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
   Cost:      $20/person (32 spots)

   Refresher course on fundamentals of curling.  Ideal for novice curlers and learn to curl graduates.

Event: Intermediate Curling Clinic
   Date:  November 3rd, 2018 – 2:30 p.m.  4:00 p.m.
   Cost:      $20/person (32 spots)

   Ideal for members who have curled for a few years and are looking to improve/refine their skills.

Event: Meet, Greet and Compete Bonspeil
   Date:  November 24th, 2018 – 9:00 a.m. – 8 p.m.
   Cost:      $40/person (64 people) Sign up individually or in pairs

   This bonspiel pairs two novice (less than two years curling) curlers with two longer-term club members in a day of fun and good curling.  Two games, lunch, dinner, prizes.  This event is back again after a year’s absence.  It is a    great way for our newer members to meet some of our more established members and show off your skills while having a great time.

Event: Wine and Chocolate Tasting/Pairing
Date:  December 1, 2018 – 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Cost:  $40/person (28 people)

One of the finest things to do is to pair wine with chocolate!  Following the last two year’s highly received wine tastings, Robert White, Sommelier and Whisky Ambassador, has joined with Joanne Mutter, owner of JoJo CoCo Chocolate and graduate of Ecole Chocolat, to present 5 single origin dark chocolates matched to 5 international wines from the Vintages and Vintages Essentials collection at the LCBO.  If you like wine or chocolate then this structured, educational as well as entertaining evening is not to be missed. Only 28 spots are available so register early.

Event: Around the World New Year’s Eve Bonspiel, Dinner, Dance
Date:  December 31st, 2018 – 9 a.m. – ?????
Cost:      $160/team (14 spots)
                $30/Dinner, Dance, only

This is the first year for this event.  Celebrate the end of 2018 and bring in 2019 at the Club with a bonspiel (2 games), dinner and dance.  Lots of fun, great food, great music, and prizes.  Some sign-ups took place at the Wine and Cheese so sign up now and don’t miss out.

Event: Mixed Doubles Tournament
Date:  January 26 – 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Cost:  $68/team (16 teams)

This is the second year for our fun mixed doubles (Two person team – 1 M/1F) tournament for Huntley members. Minimum of 3 games plus lunch and snacks. The day will end with an appetizer reception and awards banquet.  Last year’s event was oversubscribed so be sure to sign up early!