2018 Huntley Newsletter 37

Hello again.  I am sure that the nerve-racking tension of the league playoffs is keeping you up at nights, but there are even more important things underway!  Have a quick look at this:

Registration for 2019/20: your Board is really pedaling fast to get all in order for the target date of 1 April to open registration.  We are finalizing the league lineups, with a few new leagues in the offing.  Please PLEASE read the policy on Member and Team Registration NOW, as we intend to follow the policy this year, to be fair to all members.  Pay particular attention to the way we prioritize folks for acceptance into leagues, and note that the sooner you register (after we open registration) the better, as we use First Come First Served in the cases where individuals or teams are of equal priority and the league they want to be in is oversubscribed.  The policy is at:

Membership and Team Registration Policy

Please do not attempt to register at our registration site: it is live for Beta testing only, and all information will be voided immediately prior to registration opening for realsies.  We will let you know ahead of this time.

New for this year, we have a weekly schedule for the leagues that shows which weeks all leagues play, for the entire year, on a single sheet.(draft is up on website)  You will find the old league descriptions (being revised), the new fees, the policy and lots of other good gen posted on our website at: https://www.old.huntleycurling.ca/

Website:  I have put quite a bit of time into our website, to update things and to fix issues we were having.  I am particularly happy that I have resolved an issue that made retrieving your password or username very difficult.  I have restructured the site a fair amount.  Please let me know if you have suggestions for improvement, you find problems, or you have suggestions for things I should add.  Note that we have added a list of our trophy winners back nearly to the start of the club.  See: https://www.old.huntleycurling.ca/

Friday Evening Social Curlers:  Semi-Finals on Fri 29 March 7pm, with the top 3 teams and a wild card team in action.  Note that 2 sheets are open at 7pm and 4 at 9pm for you to form your own teams and have a fun game, if you are not on one of the four teams. This is the “Oyster Night” which is nearly sold out.  To get a ticket, sign up at: https://registration.huntleycurling.ca/events

The two winning teams from 29 Mar will face off in the League final game on Fri 5 April at 8:30pm, and the winner of that game will be the League Champions, and they will meet the challenge from the Tuesday Afternoon Social champions in a grudge match on Sat 6 April at 2:30pm to decide who will be the club Social League Champions.

Year End Social Event: We have an event team that is putting together something exciting for the final evening: 13 April.  Keep your calendar open, this event may include live music and other exciting touches.

Stay tuned, more info to follow