Looking for a Team list

We are here to help players get matched up with teams for next season.

Perhaps you are considering joining the club, but don’t know anyone yet. Or perhaps you’re an existing club member who wants to switch leagues. Or maybe you’re a team that needs one more player.

The Looking for a Team List is here to help. Contact information is only available to logged in club members. If you are not yet signed up for the 2022-2023 curling season, you may request contact information from webmaster@old.huntleycurling.ca.

If you are not a member of our club, please fill in the Looking for a Team form which will put your information on the list for our club members to contact you. When you find a team, or just want your entry removed, you can fill in the Removal form.

Members of the club who are also looking for a team should fill in the form to inform other club members of their availability. Similarly, when you no longer need to find a team, fill in the Removal form.

If you are a previous club member but haven’t registered yet, so therefore don’t have a website account, but would like to see the list to find members to fill out a team or create a new team, email webmaster@old.huntleycurling.ca and we will help you out.