Registration for the 2022-23 Season Opens

AGM in September

Our Annual General Meeting of club members will be held in September 8, 2022. This will allow us to communicate upcoming season plans and financials with a much higher degree of certainty as compared to holding our AGM in June.

Next Season Registration

Returning Members Membership Preference Date is July 31, 2022

Returning members must be registered and paid no later than July 31, 2022 in order to keep your team intact and to guarantee your returning spot in any league.

Most membership fees are not changing from last year. However some fees are changing as follows:

  • Handling of payment by check
    You can still pay by check but your spot is not reserved until payment clears.
  • Half season memberships
    Both Fall and Winter half season memberships are now $300.
  • Unlimited option eliminated
    For those curling multiple times a week, there is no longer an unlimited option. The standard $100 for each additional league will be applied.
  • Capital fee
    Is now $75.


Every member is asked to volunteer a minimum of 6 hours during the season. Members with outstanding volunteer hours at the end of the season will be charged $20 per hour outstanding.