2023 Daytimers’ Christmas Games & Potluck Lunch – December 21

Bruce Ballantyne is again organizing the Daytimers’ Christmas games and lunch. The event is for those who participate in the daytime leagues and will be held on Thursday December 21. Teams can sign-up for for one of the 2 rounds of six-end games that start at 9:00am and 10:30am. Following the end of the 2nd round, a potluck lunch will be held with the bar available.

The sign-up sheets (for games and bringing food) are already posted on the league bulletin boards. People who play in the 9am games will be kindly asked to help set the tables up after their games while those who play the 10:30 games will be asked to help with the cleanup following lunch.

Please sign-up early so that numbers can be confirmed before the event and people can see what food choices people will be providing.