Upcoming Events for 2018-2019

HCC WILL BE HOLDING FUN EVENTS: DON’T MISS OUT!! Now is the time to have a look at all the events that the club is offering this year, outside the regularly scheduled league play.  I gave you a teaser of what was to come, in Newsletter 10 back in Sep, but now is the time … Read more

Have your say – Help pick a new Club Logo

Our curling club logo has served us well for several years.  However, because it does not transfer well between print and electronic media the current logo needs to be retired.  In this age of internet, email, and other electronic communications we need a more flexible design that is the same regardless of the logo size … Read more

New Club Manager

Huntley Curling Club is ecstatic to have engaged the services of Peter Smith as Club manager.  The Board of Directors has long discussed the need for someone to help bring our club to the next level, and this fall they decided to act. The committee felt Peter’s experience in event planning, business background, enthusiastic attributes … Read more

Can you identify this man?

 !! Call Crime Stoppers !!……or is this just one of our many dedicated volunteers, ha ha. There had been a police bulletin put out earlier tonight for a man in Carp, who was seen posting adverting signs all over the region for The Huntley Curling Club.   It is believed he goes by the street … Read more

Hiring a Club Manager!

Hello fellow HCC members.  Your directors have decided that our club needs more horsepower to enhance our club’s operations.   Accordingly we have decided to move forward on a proposal that has been seriously considered on repeated occasions in the past.  We are going to engage a manager for this season!  Subject:  Accepting Applications for … Read more

Wine & Cheese is a Roaring Success!

Wow…if you weren’t there, you missed it!  Between Bob’s most excellent wine tasting, Simon’s exquisit delicacies, and the newly reno’d and first viewed (used too) facilities, this was a knock-em down success. Thanks to all who put the time in to make this all happen, from the dedicated reno gang, to Simon and his sous-chef’s, … Read more

2018 Huntley Newsletter 1.5

Message from the President Good morning all !!    I’m just sitting on my deck this morning having a coffee,  thinking: “here it is July 15th, 32 C and my mind is on curling!”    I keep reminding myself, “there is only three more months away and the ice will be back in at HCC !!”   … Read more